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The inflammatory effect of the skin is extremely short and fades significantly within hours from redness to pinkish that may last for 12 to 48 hours. Redness or sensitivity may possibly be present and last up to a few days after your first peel. Use only your hands to pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after peel, gently washing with a gentle cleanser, cool water. 2. It is highly advisable that you do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil because these will interfere with the body’s natural inflammatory process that is serious for your skin transformation. The use of over the counter pain medications that are not anti-inflammatory are recommended only as needed for any discomfort. Eating fresh pineapple helps heighten the healing process as well as help with any skin discomfort. 3. Peeling may start 3-5 days after peel. Do not pick or scratch at treated skin but instead keep moisturized. It is highly recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise or sweating for 24 hours due to open pores. Cool compresses help alleviate discomfort after peel if excessive discomfort, burning, redness, or swelling is persistent. Avoid sun exposure for a minimum of three days up to ten days. 4. Inside of two days following your Micro-Needling procedure, you can expect to discern skin dryness and flaking due to an increased turnover of skin cells. It is during this period that skin moisturizer may be applied, but follow any instructions given to you by your medical professional. 5. The use of the roller around the eyes by your medical professional may cause a little micro bruising that can easily be covered with makeup. You can expect to see your skin start shedding the skin layers that would regularly shed a week later, but the process brings this skin to the surface quicker and it is during this brief process that your skin will shed and be dry. 6. Needles up, friends! Last but not least, you can expect results. Micro-needling is a sought after Hollywood treatment for a variety of skincare problems including improving the overall appearance of skin. So expect to have glowing skin after the recovery period of your very first treatment! Micro-needling can be safely repeated every 4-6 weeks until the desired results are achieved. To schedule a skincare consultation contact us.  

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